Graduating college is a time of great exhilaration, but also a time of confusion and uncertainty – particularly when it comes to making the transition from school to career.
Colleges give you much of the skills and education you’ll need once you have a job — but they don’t tell you how to get a job, what career path to pursue, which professions you are most suited for or information about job titles and career tracks.
This pivotal juncture can be one of the most important decisions in your life. It can often set the stage for the rest of your life. Making the wrong decisions now can waste a lot of time, create great frustration, and cause you to have to re-invent yourself later. Getting it right in the first place can make a world of difference.
So often I hear people say, “If only I had known what career direction to take, my whole life could have been different.”
Crossing that bridge from your education to a focused, satisfying work life is the biggest leap college graduates face today.
Without this important information many people will make the decisions that impact and direct the entire course of their lives.
Graduates need to understand their relevant skills, individual talents, and particular personality style. You need the self-knowledge to find the right fit between who you are, what you have to offer and what careers will be appropriate and rewarding for you. You need information, insight and perspective regarding the realities of the job market.
As a career counselor and career coach for over 25 years, and having worked and taught in schools and colleges, I have developed effective methods and techniques for career development which put special emphasis on bridging that gap from academic study to focused, appropriate, rewarding career choices. I can guide you through the critical transition from your education to the world of work.
Feel free to call me, I will be happy to further describe how I can assist you.