Your skills portfolio is your basket of skills, strengths and preferred ways of working. It is a person’s own unique bundle of talents and assets. Skills are what translate into roles and activities and can be defined as our personal natural resources and talents. Today’s work environment has gone from a job-structured workplace to a skills structured workplace, so it has never been more important to identify our skills.
These skills involve specialization within a particular field. They enable a person to perform a specific job such as programming computers, playing the piano, designing an architectural blueprint, performing brain surgery, etc. They are specialized knowledge and abilities that are often acquired through formal education or training
These skills are rooted in one’s personality and often show up early in life. – Loyalty, kindness, resiliency, curiosity, optimism, responsibility, perserverence, etc. They relate to your ability to handle yourself in various situations.
These skills serve as a bridge from one job to another; one career to another. Once you have demonstrated skills in one career, you can transfer it to another career or job. Unlike technical or adaptive skills, which are infinite in number, transferable skills fall into 7 basic skills clusters: They are communication, research, creativity, analytical, organization, problem solving and synthesizing. For further details go to the skill transferability description on the home page. Developing and identifying your competencies strengthens our sense of self-confidence. Mastery is what gives us confidence and confidence is what makes us successful.